Why is democracy in India under threat, and how are we responsible for this.

This is probably the first time in the history of independent India that criticising government has not only become something which hurts people's (citizen's) sentiments, but evokes violent reactions, trolling and even threats of physical violence from fellow citizens (not the state, which happened during emergency).

This is against the basic democratic precepts of calling out what a citizen thinks is wrong, or even generally asking questions from those in power about their decisions which affect the larger public.

Government is not equal to India, India is made of its people. People elect the Government, people have institutions like media, judiciary and even social media to keep the Government in check. This is class 7th Civics. Legislative, executive, judiciary and media are the four pillars of democracy.

This Government, to be more precise,the legislative, which essentially is run by a single party, which essentially is largely run by two individuals, has systematically weakened the media, judiciary, and even executives (which are largely controlled by politicians). Even if those two individuals embody all the virtues in the world, know the best for the people, and are the best PM and party chief ever, a basic understanding of democracy will tell us that without checks and balances, this will turn into dictatorship.

Stalin was one such leader, the idol of all communists across the world. Crores of people in USSR died due to famines in his rule, since there was no check and balance, and hence no one to tell truth to power.
Mao in China is a similar story. More than 5 Crore Chinese died during his reign, despite Mao being the most revered communist ever, and a truly good intentioned human being. Can anyone give a single example of a dictatorship where people have been happier, more prosperous than an equivalent democracy?

There is a reason why folks stick to democracy, despite all its shortcomings. Dictatorship kills crores of people, and very quickly turns tyrannical even if the dictator is truly a great leader and an amazing human being.

Please try to understand this, and let us not become agents of Dictatorship by shutting criticism off, trolling and threatening those who question, and who dare to air opinions different from you. Don't be a part of a process which could potentially kill people, as has happened in every other Dictatorship which has ever existed.

Please vote for Modi if you want to, but no matter what happens when the election results are out, please do not threaten and shut down people who question. Else, one day, you may face some injustice and there would be no one to listen, let alone empathise, stand for you, or fight with you.


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