
Showing posts from May, 2019

Left-Liberals, Dalit-Adivasis and Modi

1. The curious case of Indian liberals, who were never really liberal Democracy is indeed powerful, and people's vote is often a voice which cuts through layers of ideological blindness and shows one who people are and what they want. A typical Indian liberal is a high caste, high class and western educated English speaking Indian. Their background has been such that unless they have considerable empathy and a quest to really find the truth about rest of India, they will find it impossible to understand the reality of the Indians who don't live in metros. They do not mean wrong, many of them are very passionate about very relevant issues like feminism, caste descrimination and even neoliberalism, but there are certain inherent contradictions in their way of life (much of which is coming from their caste and class privilage) that for any observer, they will look hypocritical. Consider caste. Much of academia, media and even high corporate is filled with liberals who are u

Why is democracy in India under threat, and how are we responsible for this.

This is probably the first time in the history of independent India that criticising government has not only become something which hurts people's (citizen's) sentiments, but evokes violent reactions, trolling and even threats of physical violence from fellow citizens (not the state, which happened during emergency). This is against the basic democratic precepts of calling out what a citizen thinks is wrong, or even generally asking questions from those in power about their decisions which affect the larger public. Government is not equal to India, India is made of its people. People elect the Government, people have institutions like media, judiciary and even social media to keep the Government in check. This is class 7th Civics. Legislative, executive, judiciary and media are the four pillars of democracy. This Government, to be more precise,the legislative, which essentially is run by a single party, which essentially is largely run by two individuals, has systematica

Dating, Relationships and Sexual Abuse!

It's an irony that something which is supposed to be one of the best experiences of one's romantic life, dating, is so deeply entrenched in a culture of what could only be called sexual harassment and abuse that it often becomes a horrific and deeply scarring experience, mainly for women. I've been a part of this culture, and knowingly and unknowingly, have even contributed towards the same. Reading about the heart wrenching experiences of so many people during #Metoo, and recently reading about Chintan Ruparel, and a few discussions with some friends, made me think about the whole dating scene which a lot of us have been exposed to pretty recently. It's not easy to spot abuse, often for the abuser too. There is a kind of abuse which is direct and pretty easy to spot, the kind inflicted by men who believe women must remain indoors, and any woman who dares to come out of the chaardiwari is loose and could be misbehaved with. The ass grabbing, frottaging, and even ci