
Showing posts from July, 2020
India did not win the 1971 war. It just stopped fighting in the middle of the war. And as such it was a total failure for India and a long term victory for Pakistan. Pakistan surrendered in Bengal. Not in punjab. We did not even make the return of PoK as a condition of ending the war. We did not impose any economic or military sanctions on West Pakistan as a condition of ending the war. Such conditions are the prerogative of the victor. To ensure that the enemy, in exchange for being spared, has to concede to a number of terms that take away its power to cause trouble for you again. We extracted no such concessions. We could have demanded that the return of PoK, unlimited access for Indian trade to cross Pakistan to Iran and central Asia, opening up of the Pakistani economy to Indian trade, restriction on the Pakistani military in the number of soldiers, officers, tanks and aircraft it could have, disbanding the Pakistani navy permanently and acknowledgement from Pakistan that