
Showing posts from June, 2020
60 seconds in a minute, right? Seconds? Why not 60 firsts in a minute? Or 60 thirds? Why seconds? For that you first have to ask "Minute? What's that?" Comes from Latin. The Hour is divided into 60 parts. Called "pars minuta prima". Meaning First Small Part. The first division of the hour is into 60 “minute" parts. The second division of the hour is thus, pars minuta secunda. Tada! The Second! Bet you never connected in your mind that "minute" of time is the same spelling as "minute" of size. Because for size we pronounce it as "my-nyoot" and for time we pronounce it as "minnit". And ofcourse if its Second from secunda, shouldn't the minute be Prime from prima? What's all this confusion anyway? It's about English being a mongrel language. Believe it or not but English is a dehati language, a language of undeveloped, uneducated, uncivilized barbarians. Unlike German, French, Italian, Persian, L